Замечательная переписка с утра по внутрифирменной почте.
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- 1. /Норвежец, работает в Эрикссон много лет/
My wife just sent me this collection of pictures related to female drivers
<линк на каталог с картинками на тему: как плохо женщины водят машину>
- 2. /Швед, консультант, в Эрикссон меньше года/
Would you please explain why you think that spamming everyone with this kind of sexist rubbish is appropriate? Do you also send out jokes about Africans and Jews?
- 3. /Норвежец, работает в Эрикссон несколько лет/
Oh man, in this company this joke is just peanuts…..
- 4. /Норвежец, работает в Эрикссон много лет/
I will not comment if it was sexist, rubbish, or not.
But yes, in this office we have jokes about Afrikans, Jews AND EVEN Swedes 😉
- 2. /Тот же швед/
I have no problems with jokes about Swedes. You’re most welcome to joke about us (as long as we can joke about you 😉 ).
The problem is when someone in power makes jokes about those he has power over (e.g. like when Bjørn made fun of people he manages). Then the joke is not just a joke but also a way of maintaining power, and that has to be fought.
- 5. /Русский, работает в Эрикссон 3 месяца и 12 дней/
… so then you really believe men are in power on women?
That’s the best joke of the day :-)))